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Orientation Checklist

Photos of students at orientation

This page contains important dates as well as the links you need to complete various tasks. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions section before proceeding. You will find information about registering for Orientation, placement exams, changing your major, receiving your course schedule, what to expect at Orientation, and more.

May/June 2019   

  • May 1st : Deadline for Deposit

  • May 9th, 9:00 a.m.: Register for Orientation

    • Should you choose to stay over, you may want to refer to our Hudson Valley Life page for information on local accomodations.

  • May 9th: First day to take your mandatory Online Placement Tests and Surveys

    All tests and surveys must be completed by June 9th. You may want to consider taking your exams in early May.

    • Placement Exams (Modern Language and Mathematics);

    • Music Interest/Course Selection Form;

    • Sports Interest Questionnaire;

    • Complete the Post-Orientation Survey after your Orientation day.

  • Attend your one-day Orientation on May 31, June 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th. You will receive all necessary information for the day when you check in at the registration desk. Check-in for Orientation is from 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. in the Murray Student Center.

  • May 31st: First day to complete the following forms:

  • June 9th: Deadline for all entering students to complete the following online tests and forms:

    • Placement Exams (Modern Language and Mathematics);

    • Music Interest/Course Selection Form;

    • Sports Interest Questionnaire;

    • Complete the Post-Orientation Survey after your Orientation day.

  • June 14th: First Year Seminar Preference Form is due by 5:00 pm

  • June 14th Deadline to complete Special Interest Housing Applications:

    Marist currently offers special interest living for science majors and students in the Honors Program.  The Science Majors Floor is for students who are declared science majors.  The Honors Floor is for students accepted into the Marist Honors Program (more information regarding the Honors Floor is available here).

  • June 30th: Deadline to complete the Peer Mentor Interest Form.

  • June 30th: Deadline to submit Health Forms for incoming students.

July 2019

  • July 19th: Students are notified via email to their Marist Mail accounts by the Office of Housing & Residence Life about whether they have been accepted to live in Special Interest Housing.

  • Beginning of July: Parking registration website will open. An e-mail notification will be sent by the Office of Safety and Security.

August/September 2019

  • 2nd Week of August:

    • Residents: Take this opportunity to contact your roommates to discuss living arrangements.

  • Last Week of August:

    • August 24th: Move-In Day & start of Welcome Week (All Entering Freshmen and Transfers)

    • August 24th - August 30th: Welcome Week

    • August 24th: ResNet drop-in hours in Murray Student Center Room 3102 (10:00 am - 4:00 pm)

    • August 25th: Welcome Week MANDATORY Academic Orientation and Transfer Orientation continues.

    • August 25th: ResNet available in Donnelly 101 (12:00 pm - 6:00 pm)

  • August 26th: First Day of Classes