Roy H. Merolli

Professor Emeritus of Public Administration


Dr. Merolli joined the MPA faculty in the 2011-2012 academic year.  Prior to joining the MPA Program, he served as Executive Vice President at Marist College for 15 years, providing management oversight for many of the College’s operations, including strategic planning and institutional research, campus development, student services, information technology, human resources, legal affairs, and coordination of the Marist/IBM Partnership. 

Professor Merolli previously taught Public Budgeting in the Marist MPA Program and Governmental Finance Administration in the Master of Public Affairs Program at The University of Connecticut.  He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and PhD in Political Science from The University of Connecticut. Areas of study in his doctoral program were Public Administration, American Government and Public Finance.  Dr. Merolli currently teaches Public Budgeting, Innovation in Public Administration (Capstone Course) and Introduction to Public Administration.


Contact Information

Academic School

School of Management


Hancock 2013



(845) 575-3680