Marist College to Become Marist University
University designation reflects breadth of global opportunities and bold vision for Marist's next century.
Marist College to Become Marist University
University designation reflects breadth of global opportunities and bold vision for Marist's next century.
Admission & Financial Aid
Marist College to Become Marist University
University designation reflects breadth of global opportunities and bold vision for Marist's next century.
Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist College to Become Marist University
University designation reflects breadth of global opportunities and bold vision for Marist's next century.
Student Life
- Athletics
red fox tall header
COVID-19 Vaccine Resources
As of Tuesday, April 6, New York State has lowered the eligibility age to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to 16 years of age. We believe our continued vigilance and the increased availability of vaccines will provide a safer community for all. With this in mind, Marist is determined to provide a number of resources to the student, faculty, staff, and campus community regarding obtaining the vaccine.
COVID-19 Vaccine Notifications
If you are interested in receiving notifications from Marist regarding information and resources about the COVID-19 vaccine, please click the button below and complete the form.
To make a vaccination appointment:
- In New York: visit New York State’s vaccination site: am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov starting Tuesday, April 6 to schedule an appointment.
- In New York: register for COVID-19 vaccination updates from Dutchess County Government to be notified when there is an appointment available at specific locations: dutchessny.gov/vaccineinfoform.
- In New York: visit the MidHudson Regional Hospital vaccination page starting Tuesday, April 6 to schedule an appointment.
- In New York: visit the Ulster County vaccination page starting Tuesday, April 6 to schedule an appointment.
- In New Jersey: visit New Jersey's vaccination site: covid19.nj.gov/pages/covid-19-vaccine-locations-for-eligible-recipients to book an appointment.
- In Connecticut: visit Connecticut's vaccine portal: covidvaccinefinder.ct.gov to book an appointment.
- In All Locations: utilize Vaccine Finder, a centralized, searchable database, to track vaccine availability in pharmacies, health care providers, and municipalities across the United States.
To upload your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card:
- Go to the Marist Health Services Patient Portal using the following link: https://marist.medicatconnect.com
- Select "Marist College" as your "home organization"
- If necessary, log in to the portal with your Marist credentials
- Click the appropriate link for "Students" or "Employees"
- Follow the instructions on the page to upload your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card
If you are receiving a COVID-19 vaccination that requires multiple doses, please follow these instructions to upload documentation after you have received your first dose, and again after the second dose.
Questions? Check out our FAQs page.
Contact Us
Can't find the information you're looking for? Call our COVID-19 Response Hotline at (845) 575-4100, email us at Covid@Marist.edu, or contact the appropriate office.