Creation of New Campus Master Plan is Underway

March 26, 2024 —DLR Group today announced it is working with Marist College to design a new comprehensive, campus-wide master plan. The plan will serve as a critical blueprint and lay the groundwork for future projects and strategic developments driven by Marist 100, the College’s new strategic plan that will carry the institution to its centennial celebration in 2029 and beyond.
DLR Group is committed to involving the Marist community throughout the process, including administration, faculty, students, and staff, to ensure that Marist’s vision is both high-quality and highly functional, with a special eye to addressing the growing diversity, creativity, and community-centered nature of the campus.
Marist’s iconic 242-acre riverfront campus in the Hudson Valley already offers an inspiring living-learning community for its nearly 5,500 undergraduate students, and this master planning process will help attract broader populations to the College while fostering deeper connections among its campus community.
The planning process kicks off the week of April 1 with a series of open forums and other sessions for the campus community, exploring ideas that will further enhance Marist College’s identity, sense of place, and accessibility to the student body. The process also will explore opportunities that harness new technologies and bolster existing ones for innovation and sustainability across the college’s academic and operational spectrum. This forward-thinking strategy will continue Marist’s reputation of being at the forefront of student success and sustainability.
Dyson Center Aerial view. Photo by Carlo de Jesus/Marist College.
“As a community-oriented design firm, we take our commitment to campus engagement seriously,” said Principal and Higher Education Leader, Kaveri Singh, AIA. “More than anything, we’d like to have a holistic understanding of what Marist College is already doing to provide such a distinctive student experience and to create a master plan that elevates those existing practices.”
Added Dr. Geoffrey Brackett, Marist Executive Vice President of Operations and Community Relations: “We are building our master campus plan at an exciting time as such strong momentum continues to propel Marist forward. A well-designed plan with thoughtful community input will really accelerate how our campus spaces and infrastructure support the exceptional student learning and living experiences that have become the hallmark of a Marist education.”
Community engagement will continue over the next several months and include activities such as town halls, interactive workshops, and online surveys. It is expected that the process will be completed in November 2024.