A man working in front of the computer

School of Management


“Our proximity to New York City gives students the chance to work as interns at some of the nation’s most highly regarded companies. Internships offer valuable hands-on work experience, as well as the chance to showcase your skills and abilities to a possible future employer.” - Professor Ken Coletti, Internship Director

Marist School of Management

The Marist School of Management is focused on just one thing: helping students to develop the intellect, character, and skills to succeed in today’s global community.

Faculty and staff work in tandem to ensure our students are successful in all aspects of college life. Marist alumni of the School of Management frequently give classroom presentations and network at informal events on campus.

The School of Management offers amazing opportunities to students, both on campus and post-graduation.


Marist School of Management students enjoy the best of two worlds. The picturesque campus is in the heart of the Hudson River Valley, known for its natural beauty and easy access to exciting activities. But Manhattan and Wall Street are just a short train ride away. Our unique location allows us to offer compelling opportunities to our students, like our annual New York City Career Trek.

We hope you will partner with us as you strive to reach your goals.

Asset Publisher

Meet the Dean: Dr. Will Lamb

“Dr. Lamb comes to Marist and to the School of Management at an exciting and pivotal time,” said Dr. Kevin Weinman, Marist President. “With growing undergraduate enrollment in the school, several renowned graduate programs, and a transformational renovation and expansion of the home of SOM, the Dyson Center, now underway, the School is poised for an incredible future. I was immensely impressed with Will’s vision, strategic thinking, and excellence as an operational leader, and I have great confidence that Will can take the School to new heights.”

School of Management


School of Management

Asset Publisher

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> serviceLocator  [in template "86161#86202#56302" at line 8, column 38]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign AssetCategoryLocalService = s...  [in template "86161#86202#56302" at line 8, column 1]
1<#assign friendly_url = portalUtil.getLayoutSetFriendlyURL(themeDisplay.getLayoutSet(), themeDisplay) + "/-/" + .vars['reserved-article-url-title'].data> 
2<#assign displaydate = .vars['reserved-article-display-date'].data> 
3<#assign originalLocale = .locale> 
4<#setting locale = localeUtil.getDefault()> 
5<#assign displaydate = displaydate?datetime("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")> 
6<#assign displaydate_short = displaydate?string("MMM d")> 
7<#assign differenceDate = (.now?long / 86400000)?round - (displaydate?long / 86400000)?round /> 
8<#assign AssetCategoryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalService") /> 
9<#assign AssetVocabularyLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalService") /> 
10<#assign JournalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") /> 
11<#assign journalArticle = JournalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(groupId),.vars['reserved-article-id'].data) /> 
12<#assign categories = AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", journalArticle.getResourcePrimKey()) /> 
13<#if categories?has_content> 
14    <#list categories as category> 
15				<#assign vNum = category.getVocabularyId()> 
16				<#assign v  = AssetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabulary(vNum)> 
17    		<#if v.getName() == "topic" > 
18        	<#assign cat = category.getName()> 
19					<#assign catId = category.getCategoryId()> <!-- Topic --> 
20    		</#if> 
21				<#if v.getName() == "news-feed-type"> <!-- Feed Type --> 
22        	<#assign feed_type = category.getName()> 
23					<#assign feedID = category.getCategoryId()> 
24    		</#if> 
25    </#list> 
28			<#if (Thumbnail_Image.getData())?? && Thumbnail_Image.getData() != ""> 
29				<#if (feed_type?? && feed_type == "News at Marist") > 
30						<a aria-label="${Article_display_title.getData()}" href="${friendly_url}" role="img" title="${Article_display_title.getData()}"> 
31							<img loading="lazy" class="img-fluid" alt="${Thumbnail_Image.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${Thumbnail_Image.getData()}"/> 
32						</a> 
33				<#else> 
34						<a aria-label="${Article_display_title.getData()}" href="${URL.getData()}" rel="noopener" title="${Article_display_title.getData()}"> 
35							<img loading="lazy" class="img-fluid" alt="${Thumbnail_Image.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${Thumbnail_Image.getData()}"/> 
36						</a> 
37				</#if> 
38		</#if> 
39		<div class="news-info-group"> 
40					<span class="news-category"> 
41							<#if cat??> 
42								<a href="/news-archives?category=${catId}">${cat}</a> 
43							</#if> 
44					</span>	 
45					<h3 itemprop="headline" class="featured_news_r_title"> 
46							<#if (Article_display_title.getData())??> 
47								<#if (feed_type?? && feed_type == "News at Marist") > 
48										<a href="${friendly_url}"> 
49											${Article_display_title.getData()} 
50										</a> 
51								<#else> 
52										<a href="${URL.getData()}"> 
53												${Article_display_title.getData()} 
54										</a> 
55								</#if> 
56							</#if> 
57					</h3> 
58					<div class="news-info"> 
59							<span itemprop="datePublished"> 
60								<#if differenceDate lt 1 > 
61									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>Today 
62								<#elseif differenceDate == 1 > 
63									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>${differenceDate} day ago 
64								<#elseif differenceDate gt 1 && differenceDate lte 7 > 
65									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>${differenceDate} days ago 
66								<#else> 
67									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>&nbsp;${displaydate_short} 
68								</#if> 
69							</span> 
70					</div>	 
71   </div> 
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> serviceLocator  [in template "86161#86202#56302" at line 8, column 38]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign AssetCategoryLocalService = s...  [in template "86161#86202#56302" at line 8, column 1]
1<#assign friendly_url = portalUtil.getLayoutSetFriendlyURL(themeDisplay.getLayoutSet(), themeDisplay) + "/-/" + .vars['reserved-article-url-title'].data> 
2<#assign displaydate = .vars['reserved-article-display-date'].data> 
3<#assign originalLocale = .locale> 
4<#setting locale = localeUtil.getDefault()> 
5<#assign displaydate = displaydate?datetime("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")> 
6<#assign displaydate_short = displaydate?string("MMM d")> 
7<#assign differenceDate = (.now?long / 86400000)?round - (displaydate?long / 86400000)?round /> 
8<#assign AssetCategoryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalService") /> 
9<#assign AssetVocabularyLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalService") /> 
10<#assign JournalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") /> 
11<#assign journalArticle = JournalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(groupId),.vars['reserved-article-id'].data) /> 
12<#assign categories = AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", journalArticle.getResourcePrimKey()) /> 
13<#if categories?has_content> 
14    <#list categories as category> 
15				<#assign vNum = category.getVocabularyId()> 
16				<#assign v  = AssetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabulary(vNum)> 
17    		<#if v.getName() == "topic" > 
18        	<#assign cat = category.getName()> 
19					<#assign catId = category.getCategoryId()> <!-- Topic --> 
20    		</#if> 
21				<#if v.getName() == "news-feed-type"> <!-- Feed Type --> 
22        	<#assign feed_type = category.getName()> 
23					<#assign feedID = category.getCategoryId()> 
24    		</#if> 
25    </#list> 
28			<#if (Thumbnail_Image.getData())?? && Thumbnail_Image.getData() != ""> 
29				<#if (feed_type?? && feed_type == "News at Marist") > 
30						<a aria-label="${Article_display_title.getData()}" href="${friendly_url}" role="img" title="${Article_display_title.getData()}"> 
31							<img loading="lazy" class="img-fluid" alt="${Thumbnail_Image.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${Thumbnail_Image.getData()}"/> 
32						</a> 
33				<#else> 
34						<a aria-label="${Article_display_title.getData()}" href="${URL.getData()}" rel="noopener" title="${Article_display_title.getData()}"> 
35							<img loading="lazy" class="img-fluid" alt="${Thumbnail_Image.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${Thumbnail_Image.getData()}"/> 
36						</a> 
37				</#if> 
38		</#if> 
39		<div class="news-info-group"> 
40					<span class="news-category"> 
41							<#if cat??> 
42								<a href="/news-archives?category=${catId}">${cat}</a> 
43							</#if> 
44					</span>	 
45					<h3 itemprop="headline" class="featured_news_r_title"> 
46							<#if (Article_display_title.getData())??> 
47								<#if (feed_type?? && feed_type == "News at Marist") > 
48										<a href="${friendly_url}"> 
49											${Article_display_title.getData()} 
50										</a> 
51								<#else> 
52										<a href="${URL.getData()}"> 
53												${Article_display_title.getData()} 
54										</a> 
55								</#if> 
56							</#if> 
57					</h3> 
58					<div class="news-info"> 
59							<span itemprop="datePublished"> 
60								<#if differenceDate lt 1 > 
61									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>Today 
62								<#elseif differenceDate == 1 > 
63									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>${differenceDate} day ago 
64								<#elseif differenceDate gt 1 && differenceDate lte 7 > 
65									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>${differenceDate} days ago 
66								<#else> 
67									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>&nbsp;${displaydate_short} 
68								</#if> 
69							</span> 
70					</div>	 
71   </div> 
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> serviceLocator  [in template "86161#86202#56302" at line 8, column 38]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign AssetCategoryLocalService = s...  [in template "86161#86202#56302" at line 8, column 1]
1<#assign friendly_url = portalUtil.getLayoutSetFriendlyURL(themeDisplay.getLayoutSet(), themeDisplay) + "/-/" + .vars['reserved-article-url-title'].data> 
2<#assign displaydate = .vars['reserved-article-display-date'].data> 
3<#assign originalLocale = .locale> 
4<#setting locale = localeUtil.getDefault()> 
5<#assign displaydate = displaydate?datetime("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")> 
6<#assign displaydate_short = displaydate?string("MMM d")> 
7<#assign differenceDate = (.now?long / 86400000)?round - (displaydate?long / 86400000)?round /> 
8<#assign AssetCategoryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalService") /> 
9<#assign AssetVocabularyLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalService") /> 
10<#assign JournalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") /> 
11<#assign journalArticle = JournalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(groupId),.vars['reserved-article-id'].data) /> 
12<#assign categories = AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", journalArticle.getResourcePrimKey()) /> 
13<#if categories?has_content> 
14    <#list categories as category> 
15				<#assign vNum = category.getVocabularyId()> 
16				<#assign v  = AssetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabulary(vNum)> 
17    		<#if v.getName() == "topic" > 
18        	<#assign cat = category.getName()> 
19					<#assign catId = category.getCategoryId()> <!-- Topic --> 
20    		</#if> 
21				<#if v.getName() == "news-feed-type"> <!-- Feed Type --> 
22        	<#assign feed_type = category.getName()> 
23					<#assign feedID = category.getCategoryId()> 
24    		</#if> 
25    </#list> 
28			<#if (Thumbnail_Image.getData())?? && Thumbnail_Image.getData() != ""> 
29				<#if (feed_type?? && feed_type == "News at Marist") > 
30						<a aria-label="${Article_display_title.getData()}" href="${friendly_url}" role="img" title="${Article_display_title.getData()}"> 
31							<img loading="lazy" class="img-fluid" alt="${Thumbnail_Image.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${Thumbnail_Image.getData()}"/> 
32						</a> 
33				<#else> 
34						<a aria-label="${Article_display_title.getData()}" href="${URL.getData()}" rel="noopener" title="${Article_display_title.getData()}"> 
35							<img loading="lazy" class="img-fluid" alt="${Thumbnail_Image.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${Thumbnail_Image.getData()}"/> 
36						</a> 
37				</#if> 
38		</#if> 
39		<div class="news-info-group"> 
40					<span class="news-category"> 
41							<#if cat??> 
42								<a href="/news-archives?category=${catId}">${cat}</a> 
43							</#if> 
44					</span>	 
45					<h3 itemprop="headline" class="featured_news_r_title"> 
46							<#if (Article_display_title.getData())??> 
47								<#if (feed_type?? && feed_type == "News at Marist") > 
48										<a href="${friendly_url}"> 
49											${Article_display_title.getData()} 
50										</a> 
51								<#else> 
52										<a href="${URL.getData()}"> 
53												${Article_display_title.getData()} 
54										</a> 
55								</#if> 
56							</#if> 
57					</h3> 
58					<div class="news-info"> 
59							<span itemprop="datePublished"> 
60								<#if differenceDate lt 1 > 
61									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>Today 
62								<#elseif differenceDate == 1 > 
63									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>${differenceDate} day ago 
64								<#elseif differenceDate gt 1 && differenceDate lte 7 > 
65									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>${differenceDate} days ago 
66								<#else> 
67									<icon class="ion-clock"></icon>&nbsp;${displaydate_short} 
68								</#if> 
69							</span> 
70					</div>	 
71   </div>