Marist Italy Student and Parents Communication February 28, 2020


Dear families,

The following messages from Marist and LdM were shared with your student earlier today.

Marist operates with an abundance of caution, and health, safety, and security is our top priority. Decisions are made with careful consideration, and are informed by the CDC, WHO, and other important stakeholders.

LdM has determined that classes will continue in Florence as well as at LdM’s other locations in Rome and Tuscania. This decision was made after careful consideration of available data. Students studying at LdM will continue to be fully supported by LdM and Marist administration, faculty, and staff.

At the same time, it is recognized that some students may wish to return home. Students opting to return home will be supported and allowed to complete courses via distance learning and independent study. Not all courses may be open to distance completion, particularly those primarily focused on practical application. While not all current courses may be available, students returning home will be able to complete a full-time load of courses.

I appreciate your patience as LdM and Marist work through the challenging context of the coronavirus. We will continue to monitor the situation and make any changes that are deemed necessary.

Marist and LdM’s messages to your student are below. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

John Peters

Dr. John E. Peters Dean, International Programs Acting Dean, Marist Italy Associate Professor, Economics Marist College

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