St. Patrick’s Day On-Campus Events and Reminders, March 12, 2021
Dear Students,
As you know, St. Patrick’s Day is rapidly approaching. Traditionally, this has been a time of festive gatherings and celebrations, and for many students, the social activities associated with this holiday are a highlight of spring semester fun. With so many activities having been curtailed or canceled in the last year, I can understand the drive to celebrate with friends. However, with COVID-19 still very much a serious public health issue and with safety protocols remaining in place, St. Patrick’s Day revelry simply cannot occur this year — whether on or off campus.
In light of a recent uptick in positive COVID-19 cases, the College will be placing additional limitations on visitors to residence halls. Effective March 12:
- No guests will be permitted at townhouses (Fulton Townhouses, Upper and Lower West Cedar, New Townhouses, and Foy Townhouses).
- Traditional residence halls must maintain their current guest limitations.
- All students on and off-campus should limit gatherings to their immediate pod and/or households.
- The Office of Safety and Security will be patrolling all week to ensure enforcement of our guidelines both on and off-campus.
Student Activities has put together a full schedule of fun and safe events to mark St. Patrick’s Day, and we encourage you to take part. Highlights include:
- Friday, 3/12, all day: Wee Folk Photo Shoot
- Saturday, 3/13, 8:00pm: March Madness Trivia Night
- Monday, 3/15, 7:00pm & 9:00pm: Irish Movie Festival: “Waking Ned Devine”
- Monday, 3/15, 9:00pm: Ice Cream Social
- Tuesday, 3/16, 6:00pm-8:00pm: Firepits & Friends
- Wednesday, 3/17, 9:00am-5:00pm: St. Patrick’s Day Sessions (virtual)
- Wednesday, 3/17, 11:30am-1:30pm: St. Patrick’s Day Themed Cupcake Decorating
- Thursday, 3/18, 7:00pm & 9:00pm: Irish Movie Festival: “The Wind That Shakes The Barley”
- Friday, 3/19, 7:00pm & 9:00pm, Irish Movie Festival: “The Commitments”
- Friday, 3/20, 8:00pm-11:00pm: West Side Dining Hall Recreation Center including Corn Hole, Ping Pong, Music and more
- Friday, 3/19, 8:00pm-midnight: Class of 2024 Welcome Back Social
I would like to emphasize how strictly we’ll be enforcing our policies and the serious disciplinary consequences students will face if they don’t abide by them, including suspension and dismissal from the College. None of us wants these outcomes to occur, so please help us to ensure that they do not.
Ultimately, I hope that what motivates you to comply with our health and safety rules isn’t the threat of punishment, but rather your respect for others and concern for the common good, which you have demonstrated time and time again since last fall.
Thank you for all of your collective work to make this remarkably challenging time a success so far and for your commitment to the health and safety of the entire campus community.
Deborah DiCaprio
Vice President for Student Affairs