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First-Year Application Deadline
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• Early Decision II and Regular Decision: Saturday, Feb. 15Admission & Financial Aid
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First-Year Application Deadline
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• Early Decision II and Regular Decision: Saturday, Feb. 15Student Life
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Dr. Sasha L. Biro
Lecturer of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Academic Coordinator
As a Lecturer of Philosophy, Dr. Biro's research interests engage with the reception of antiquity in contemporary philosophical thought, with a specific emphasis on the relationship between myth and philosophy. The courses she teaches range from Philosophical Perspectives and First Year Seminar to Applied Ethics and Contemporary Continental Philosophy. These courses critically examine the fundamental role that myth plays in shaping contemporary culture, utilizing imagery and narrative as essential tools for this exploration. She holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy through the Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture program at Binghamton University.
PhD, Philosophy, Binghamton University
MA, Bristol University
BA, State University of New York at New Paltz
Research Interests / Areas of Focus
20th-century continental philosophy, poststructuralism, ethics
Selected Publications
"The Oracle as Intermediary," in Otherwise Than the Binary, New Feminist Readings of Ancient Philosophy and Culture, SUNY Press, 2022.
“The Quilt as Personal Object,” in The Cultural Power of Personal Objects, SUNY American Philosophy and Cultural Thought series, SUNY Press, 2021.
“Reading in a Time of Crisis: Using Perusall to Facilitate Close Reading and Active Discussion in the Remote Philosophy Classroom,” in Teaching Philosophy: Vol 44 No. 3 September 2021.
“Disrupting Symmetry: Jean-Luc Nancy and Luce Irigaray on Myth and the Violence of Representation,” in Eidos: A Journal For Philosophy of Culture: Vol. 3 No. 2 (8)/2019.
"Levinas' Reception of the Mythic," in Journal of Speculative Philosophy: Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 2017.
Selected Presentations
Conferences and Workshops
“Irigaray and an Ethics of Hospitality” for a panel on Ethics at the Luce Irigaray Circle “Thresholds of Sexual Difference” Conference, Atlanta GA, May 20-22 2022.
“An Ethics of Hospitality, from Levinas to Irigaray” for a panel on “Politics and Place” at the American Philosophical Association 2021 (virtual) Eastern Division Meeting, New York NY, 8 January 2021.
“Once We Were Somebodies: Arendt, Agamben, and the Right to Have Rights – Rethinking a Topology of Belonging” for a panel on “Politics and Place” at the American Philosophical Association 2020 Eastern Division Meeting, Philadelphia PA, 8 January 2020.
“Irigaray on an Ethics of Hospitality: Recasting Standardized Accounts of Forced Migration” for a panel on “Sexual Difference, Justice, and the Political” at the Diverse Lineages of Existentialism II Conference, Washington DC, 4 June 2019
Selected Presentations
"Lessons I Learned." Presentation for the Academic Technology Faculty Showcase Series, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY, October 2016.
With Cathleen Muller, "Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking." School of Liberal Arts Teaching Forum, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY, October 2016.
“The One to Come,” for a panel on “Demeter, Persephone, and the Sacred” at the 9th Irigaray Circle “Horizons of Sexual Difference” Conference, St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Canada, June 2018.
“Levinas’ Reception of the Mythic,” for a panel on “Nineteenth and Twentieth Century European Philosophy” at the American Philosophical Association, Seattle, Washington, April 2017.
“Levinas’ Reception of the Mythic,” for a panel on “Substitution, Responsibility, and the Mythic in Levinas” at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Salt Lake City, UT, October 2016.
“Antigone’s Claim on a Feminist Politics,” for a panel on “Literature and Gender” at the Women and Society Conference, Poughkeepsie, NY, October 2015
“Dangerous Conceptions of Biblical Eve,” for a panel on “Mythology and Contemporary Culture” at the National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations Conference, Washington DC, March 2013.
“Myth in Unexpected Places,” for a talk as part of the Alumni Lecture Series, State University of New York at New Paltz, November 2009.
“Heroes,” for a panel on “Mythology and Popular Culture,” at the National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations 2008 Joint Conference, San Francisco, March 2008.
“Levinas and the Other,” for a panel on “The Other” at the North American Levinas Society Conference on “Levinas and the Sacred,” Seattle University, September 2008.
“The Dying God,” for a panel on “Religion and Revolution,” at the 17th annual Philosophy, Interpretation, Culture Conference on “Revolution, Resistance, Methodologies of Transgression,” Binghamton University, April 2007.
“Cultural Space and the Flaneuse,” at the English Students’ Association Conference on “Literature and the City” at the City University of New York, March 2006.
“A Tradition of Madness,” for a panel on “Reception and Epic,” at the Bristol Postgraduate Ancient World Conference, Bristol, UK, July 2003.
Awards and Honors
Teaching with iLearn Innovation Award. Presented by Academic Technology and eLearning Faculty Showcase Series, Marist College, May 2016.
Binghamton University Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2010-2011.
American Philosophical Association
Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
Irigaray Circle
North American Levinas Society
American Association of Philosophy Teachers