First-Year Application Deadline
Don't miss your chance to apply to Marist!
• Early Decision II and Regular Decision: Saturday, Feb. 15About
First-Year Application Deadline
Don't miss your chance to apply to Marist!
• Early Decision II and Regular Decision: Saturday, Feb. 15Academics
Admission & Financial Aid
First-Year Application Deadline
Don't miss your chance to apply to Marist!
• Early Decision II and Regular Decision: Saturday, Feb. 15Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
First-Year Application Deadline
Don't miss your chance to apply to Marist!
• Early Decision II and Regular Decision: Saturday, Feb. 15Student Life
- Athletics
Image of the Campus
Campus Safety
Security & Residential Life
Marist is a residential institution, providing housing options to most undergraduate students. First-years are housed in Champagnat, Leo, and Sheahan Halls, which are traditional residence hall-style accommodations. Marian Hall and Midrise residence halls house sophomores and are staffed by security personnel from 3 p.m. to 6:45 a.m., seven days a week. Access to these residence areas is only permitted by presenting a valid Marist identification card or an authorized guest pass issued by the institution. The guest must be accompanied by his or her host at all times.
Officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day by motor vehicle and foot patrol. During the hours of 3 p.m. to 7 a.m., the coverage consists of patrol vehicles, foot patrols, and five entry officers. The coverage includes a "walk through" system for each of the residence areas during the early morning hours. Office and classroom buildings have security coverage from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday and restricted hours on weekends and holidays. When not staffed by security, the buildings are closed.
All doors to the major residence areas, with the exception of the main entrance to each building, are locked by 3 p.m. each day. These magnetically-locked doors release automatically in case of a power outage or a fire alarm.
This program is designed to prevent the theft of property from rooms by reminding students of the importance of locking their rooms when they leave, even for short periods of time.
A team from Campus Safety and Residence Life will walk through your residence hall and check to see if your room door has been left unlocked while no one is in the room. These checks may occur during the day or early evening.
During their check, if our Team finds your room door left UNLOCKED, no one home, and some of your or your roommates' property easily susceptible to theft, they will leave a bright yellow card with information about our program and the importance of locking your room door at all times.
It only takes a few extra seconds to lock your door before you leave, no matter what the reason or how short a period of time you will be gone. Crime occurs when the opportunity is present. It doesn't take a thief long to steal, especially when the job is made easier by finding an unlocked door. The time it takes to report stolen items and the inconvenience that comes with trying to replace missing items makes locking your door a quick and easy crime prevention technique.
If you are having a problem with your lock, e-mail our locksmith Pete Wentzel at peter.wenzel@marist.edu with your name and room number, and he or his assistant Russ will come and fix the problem.
If you or your roommate loses the room key, DO NOT leave the room unlocked so you both can get in. The key replacement fee is $50.00 - YOUR property is worth much more than that.
Protect YOUR property...protect your ROOMMATES' property..."Lock It or Lose It"
NOTE: Contraband discovered in plain view within the room during our check will be confiscated and a report forwarded to the Office of Judicial Affairs.
Residential Life Staff
Professional Resident Directors and numerous trained student Resident Assistants are all members of the Housing and Residential Life staff who reside in student housing. A Resident Assistant (RA) is on duty each night in each building. During the evenings, RAs make rounds within student residences during which they check exterior doors. Campus Safety issues are included as part of the staff's thorough training each year. In addition, a Resident Director is on duty each night.
Campus Lighting
Twice each month, a lighting adequacy survey is conducted to ensure that all areas of the campus are well lit. The results of this survey are forwarded to the Physical Plant Office for any remedial maintenance work that may be necessary.