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Strategic Plan Projects Advisory Committee

The Strategic Plan Projects Advisory Committee (SPPAC) is appointed by members of the President’s Cabinet, in consultation with the Chair, to serve in an advisory capacity to ensure an open and inclusive process to solicit ideas for consideration for the implementation of the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan.

Committee Chair 

Carolyn Matheus, Associate Professor of Information Systems, School of Computer Science & Mathematics 


Beth Veasey, Associate Vice President of Financial Planning & Analysis, Business Affairs

Chris Doyle, Director for Undergraduate Admission, Enrollment Management

Colin McCann, Associate Director of First Year Programs/Leadership Development, Student Affairs

Dabby Hines, Director for Advising & Academic Services, Academic Affairs-Advising

Edward Presutti, Assistant Director for Data Science & Analytics, Information Technology

Erik Moody, Assistant Professor of Psychology Chair, IRB, School of Social & Behavioral Sciences

John Galbraith, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Department Chair of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics, School of Science

Kristine Cullen, Assistant Dean, School of Professional Programs

Lisa Neilson, Teaching Associate of English, School of Liberal Arts

Pamela Harper, Associate Professor of Marketing, School of Management

Richard Grinnell, Professor of English, School of Liberal Arts

Roda Mohamed, EVP, Student Government Association, Student Representative

Shailee Johnson, Director for Development Research, Advancement

Wenjing Xie, Associate Professor of Communication, School of Communication and the Arts