Marist College

Safety and Security

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Mental Health

You may encounter friends or associates who are finding it difficult to deal with, and navigate, the many demands and stresses of college life. It is important that each of us be able to recognize the symptoms of such distress, and be willing to help our friends and fellow students who may need assistance. You should never ignore the signs of distress and should always take steps to help those in need. It is always best to notify someone who has professional training and experience in helping persons in distress; such as an RA, the counseling center, security personnel, etc.

If you are in contact with a student who appears to be an immediate threat to his or her own safety or that of others, call the Office of Safety & Security at Ext. 5555 or (845) 471-1822.

Recognize Symptoms

  • Significant change in academic performance or classroom conduct
  • Unusual behavior or appearance
  • Traumatic event or change in relationships
  • Reference to suicide, homicide, or death

Respond to the Student

  • Speak privately with student
  • Directly and candidly discuss your observations and concerns
  • Offer support and assistance

Refer to a Mental Health Professional at the Counseling Center

  • Be caring, firm, and straight-forward in your referral
  • Consider calling from your room/office or escorting the student to the Counseling Center

Consult with On-Campus Resources

Discuss your concerns about a student with any of the following on campus resources:

  • Counseling Center (845) 575-3314
  • Office of Campus Ministry (845) 575-3000, ext. 2275
  • Student Health Center (845) 575-3270
  • Office of Safety & Security (845) 471-1822
  • Student Affairs (845) 575-3517