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School of Science

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Mr. John M. Ludlam

Manager, Science Laboratories

Donnelly 104C
Phone: (845) 575-3000 ext. 2860

Degrees Held:

M.S., Bio-Environmental Oceanography, Florida Institute of Technology
B.A., Environmental Studies, Alfred University


As Manager, Science Laboratories, John is responsible for procurement of all lab supplies, equipment and instrumentation, maintaining chemical, equipment and instrumentation inventories, coordinating School of Science student employment, servicing equipment, monitoring lab safety issues and a wide variety of other tasks as they pop up.
Prior to Marist, John worked for the University of Maryland, the University of Delaware and Lehigh University on federally funded research projects concerned with nutrient cycling in estuarine, coastal, and open ocean waters. He grew up in Cape May County, NJ.


Metzler, P.M., P.M. Glibert, S.A. Gaeta, and J.M. Ludlam. 2000. Contrasting effects of substrate and grazer manipulations on picoplankton in oceanic and coastal waters off Brazil. Journal of Plankton Research 22: 77-90.
Metzler, P.M., P.M. Glibert, S.A. Gaeta, and J.M. Ludlam. 1997. New and regenerated production in the South Atlantic off Brazil. Deep Sea Research 44: 363-384.
Pennock, J.R., D.J. Velinsky, J.M. Ludlam, J.H. Sharp, and M.L. Fogel. 1996. Isotopic fractionation of ammonium and nitrate during uptake by Skeletonema costatum: Implications for d15N dynamics under bloom conditions. Limnology and Oceanography 41: 451-459.


American Geophysical Union
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
National Association of Scientific Materials Managers