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Marist's Fall Open House
Experience all that Marist has to offer at our Fall Open House.
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Student Life
2019 June Orientation FAQs
Below you will find a list of important phone numbers and a series of frequently asked questions pertaining to June Orientation and our offices at Marist. Click on the questions below to view their answers. Important Phone Numbers Marist College Main Number: (845) 575-3000 First Year Programs: (845) 575-3517 Office of the Registrar: (845) 575-3250 Health Services: (845) 575-3270 HELP Desk (Computers): (845) 575-4357
What is Orientation? |
Orientation is an intentional year-long program designed to help new students learn about the programs, services, and opportunities available at Marist while meeting students, faculty, and staff. All new students are asked to attend our one-day program on: May 31, June 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, or 9. |
When will I be able to register for Orientation? |
The deposit deadline for the Class of 2023 is May 1st. A letter marked "Dated Material, Orientation 2019" will be sent to all new students admitted through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions on or around May 3rd. This sheet provides more specific details about Orientation and registration. |
How do I register for Orientation? |
Registration for Orientation is only available online. Your Marist Account username and password were mailed to you by Information Technology (in a pressure sealed self-mailer) upon your acceptance. Your username is firstname.lastname# (for example, John.Smith1 or Sally.White2). This is not the same account that you received from Admissions to check the status of your acceptance to the College. This is also not your CWID which is your 8-digit identification code. |
Is there a program for parents/guardians during Orientation Day? |
Yes, there is a full day of activities for parents/guardians that is separate from the student track, but both tracks begin and end at the same time. When you register for the program, you will have an opportunity to register your parents/guardians. Itineraries are provided at check-in. Parents/guardians will:
Is it true that it is better to attend the earliest day of Orientation possible? |
There is absolutely no advantage to any of the Orientation dates. Each Orientation day is identical and there is no sorting or selecting that occurs based on date of Orientation attendance. Students should select the date that fits best into their schedules. |
What username and password do I need to log-in to register? |
Registration for Orientation is only available online. Your Marist Account username and password were mailed to you by Information Technology (in a pressure sealed self-mailer) upon your acceptance. Your username is firstname.lastname# (for example, John.Smith1 or Sally.White2). This is not the same account that you received from Admissions to check the status of your acceptance to the College. This is also not your CWID which is your 8-digit identification code. |
I forgot my Marist e-mail account/password. What should I do? |
Your email account will be the same as your Marist Account, with @marist.edu on the end (Firstname.Lastname#@marist.edu). |
What is my CWID? |
Your CWID is a unique 8-digit number given to you upon your acceptance to the College; it was listed in your Admissions letter along with your username and password. |
Is there an Orientation Program for Transfer Students? |
Transfer Orientation will take place on Saturday, August 24th. Details will be sent to new Transfer Students during the first week in August. |
I was admitted as an adult student for my undergraduate degree. Will I have an Orientation? |
Yes, the School of Professional Programs oversees the services for all adult students at the College and hosts an orientation designed specifically to meet the needs of this population. Information is available from the School of Professional Programs. |
I am participating in the Freshman Florence Experience. When is my Orientation? |
Students accepted into the Marist Freshman Florence Experience (FFE) will have a separate Orientation on Friday, June 21, 2019 in the Murray Student Center. This Orientation will be run by Marist Abroad and Marist Italy and is designed specifically for students spending their first year at our Florence campus. If you are an FFE student and have signed up for traditional orientation (one of the May 31 - June 9 dates), we ask that you please delete your registration and make every effort attend FFE's Orientation. For additional information, please visit your Pre-Departure Portal, and select "Orientation". Students will receive a schedule, information on parking, and other notes reagrding Orientation a week prior to the event. |
I am participating in the Freshman Dublin Experience. When is my Orientation? |
Students accepted into the Marist Freshman Dublin Experience (FDE) will have a separate Orientation on Friday, June 21, 2019 in the Murray Student Center. This Orientation will be run by Marist Abroad and Marist Italy and is designed specifically for students spending their first year at our Dublin program delivered in partnership with the Foundation for International Education (FIE) and the Dublin Business School (DBS). If you are an FDE student and have signed up for traditional orientation (one of the May 31 - June 9 dates), we ask that you please delete your registration and make every effort to attend FDE's Orientation. For additional information, please visit your Pre-Departure Portal, and select "Orientation". Students will receive a schedule, information on parking, and other notes regarding Orientation a week prior to the event. |
How do I change my Orientation date if I can no longer attend on the day that I selected? |
If you need to switch the date you registered for, you may log back into the Orientation registration page and register for any available date. Registrations are finalized by 3:00 p.m. the day before each event. If you have additional questions, please call (845) 575-3517. |
Who should I contact if I need special accommodations at Orientation? |
Students will be visiting a variety of buildings and locations during the course of the day, and family members will be moving to multiple rooms within the Murray Student Center leaving only for an optional tour of the residence halls. We ask that you call (845) 575-3517 at least two business days prior to your arrival to discuss your Orientation program accommodation needs. |
What should I wear/bring to Orientation? |
Orientation clothing should be comfortable, casual and weather appropriate. Please watch the forecast to determine if umbrellas or sweaters are necessary. Please keep in mind buildings may be chilly due to air conditioning. Students will be taking their ID photos on that day and will be traveling to various locations across campus. Guests will be located in the Murray Student Center, but will have the option to tour other areas. Comfortable walking shoes are suggested for all. |
My siblings and/or guests are planning to attend Orientation with me. Will there be activities for them? |
Due to space limitations, students may register no more than two guests for the program. Your siblings and/or guests may attend Orientation. They cannot follow the student track, but they are welcome to attend any programs scheduled for parents/guardians. Be aware that small children can find the day to be a difficult one as there will be no age-specific activities for children and no baby-sitting services. |
How long is the Orientation program? |
Check-in for Orientation is from 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. and wraps up at 5:00 p.m. You will receive all necessary information for the day at the Registration/Check-In desk. If you need to stay at a nearby hotel, you may want to check out the local accommodations and travel/transportation sections of this guide. It is very important for students to stay for the entire program. |
What happens after June Orientation? |
Marist will keep in contact with you throughout the summer via your Marist email, so make it a habit to check your account often. Once students arrive on campus in the fall, their "orientation" will continue through Welcome Week activities, meetings with their First Year Programs Coordinator who serves as their Mentor, and participation in selected programs, such as Emerging Leaders, The Peer Mentor Program, Commuter Connections, FOCUS and more! |
What if I am having trouble loading the placement tests/surveys? |
I'm having a computing problem that's not addressed here. Who do I contact at Marist to get additional help? |
Please call the Help Desk at (845) 575-4357. Help Desk Office Hours are: |
When will I know the results of my placement tests? |
The first week in August your schedule will be viewable online and information regarding your Math and your Modern Language Placements will be available. |
Note: It is strongly recommended that you use a wired internet connection when taking the Math Placement Test.
What is the purpose of the Math Placement Test? |
All incoming freshmen are required to take an online Mathematics Placement Test, which must be completed on or before Sunday, June 9th, 2019. You will access the survey and/or test here. Your placement into mathematics courses at Marist College will be based on the results of your online placement test, your high school GPA, your high school mathematics courses and your choice of major and minor. Please take the placement test seriously. If you score below 60% on the placement, it is recommended that you participate in a totally online review of Algebra through iLearn prior to taking your first Math class. If you meet the requirements for the review, you will automatically be put into the review class and sent notification that you need to do the work. It is expected that you go through this review prior to starting your math course. You can do it during August before you come to campus or anytime prior to your first Math class. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Mathematics Department by calling (845) 575-3620 or emailing Carla Hill at Carla.Hill@Marist.edu. |
How long will it take to complete the Math Placement Test? |
The time needed to complete this test is 45 uninterrupted minutes online. Time permitting, you may check your answers by clicking the back and forward buttons before submitting your test. |
What will I need to take the Math Placement Test? |
This test is designed to be taken without the use of any mathematical aids such as a calculator, your notes, or a textbook. You may use scrap paper as well as pencils to work out the 40 questions. You will also need to know your major and possible minors, titles of high school mathematics courses, titles of mathematics or statistics AP exams taken, and titles of mathematics courses taken at any other college. If your major is Secondary Education, please specify the subject. |
What if I am having trouble loading the placement tests/surveys? |
Do I have to take the mathematics courses recommended by my placements? |
The recommendation for placement is just that, a recommendation. Based on the criteria given (see Mathematics Placement Test Section), recommendations will be made for a course in mathematics; however, if you feel the placement is incorrect, you may take different courses. Ultimately, you are responsible for the selection of your college courses. |
I am having trouble getting past the intake form on page 2 of the Math Placement Test. What do I do? |
You need to fill in all the required fields indicated by a red asterisk. |
What do I do if my computer crashed before I finished the placement test? |
I did not finish my online placement test. Was my test sent to be graded? |
If you did not submit your answers by clicking on the SUBMIT button and you did not close your Web browser, your answers were automatically sent after 45 minutes elapsed. |
What is the purpose of the Modern Language Placement Test? |
The language survey and short tests are essential for the college advising process. Results are used to create a complete profile for each student, for advising purposes during all four years and to optimize the first semester freshman schedules. It will let us know what language(s) you currently speak fluently, which language you have studied, and which one you may wish to study in the future. |
How can my language skills affect my academic options? |
A language background can affect a number of academic choices throughout an undergraduate career: fulfillment of Core courses, study abroad, interdisciplinary minors and language requirements in some academic areas, scholarship, and long-term graduate plans. This is why a comprehensive academic profile is necessary whether or not you plan to pursue your language study in your first year. |
Can the survey and test give me credit or make me "place out" of language? |
The test is NOT used to give credit or determine whether one "places out" of language but to gather as much information as possible about a student's current abilities in one or more language, and possible interest in learning a different language. It is important to get an accurate and honest assessment so please take it seriously and do not consult any outside resources when taking the test. |
Should I take the survey even if I have never taken a language before? |
Yes, for the reasons explained above. Maybe you know now, or will decide later, that you would like to start a new language and we think that is great. The General Language Survey will ensure that you will be included in our database of students interested in getting language advising for their future career plan, travel abroad, scholarships, etc. |
Which language survey/test should I choose? |
The General Language Survey is for all entering first-year students. Depending on how you answered some early questions, you will be automatically directed to a compact self-assessment (for any language) or a slightly longer language test for the language in which Marist offers a major and minor (French, Italian, Spanish). You will access the survey (and test) here. |
How long will it take to complete the Modern Language Placement Test? |
The survey for most languages only takes a couple of minutes; the test for French, Italian, and Spanish is a little longer. The Department will archive your score and your expressed interests. If you are not placed in a language course in your first semester, but you had wanted to be, please contact the chair of Modern Languages and Cultures (see below) as soon as you receive your class schedule. |
What if I am interested in a language that is not offered? |
You should still complete the Modern Language Placement Survey, check off "other" and provide the details regarding the language you wish to study in the Personal Comments section. |
Who should I contact if I have further questions about languages or the survey/test? |
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: |
What are the technical requirements for taking the placement exam? |
You should be able to take the Placement Survey and Test on your phone or any computer with an up-to-date operating system. |
What courses can I expect to take during my first semester at Marist? |
Most students take the First Year Seminar (FYS) in the Fall semester; however, some students will take it in the Spring semester due to requirements in their major or other factors. Two other courses taken by all Marist students, ENG 120 Writing for College and PHIL 101 Philosophical Perspectives, are taken either in Fall or Spring of the Freshman year. The rest of your Fall schedule will be filled out with courses from your major (if you have chosen one) and/or courses that will count for distribution requirements in the Marist Core. |
Which First Year Seminar will I take? |
Students compile a list of their top five FYS course selections using an online form on the Marist Core website in June. Since the FYS does not overlap with course requirements in any major or minor, you should feel free to make your selections based purely on your interest in the FYS course topic. Students compile a list of their top five FYS course selections using an online form on the Marist Core Website. Information about FYS offerings, including the deadline for submitting your preferences, can be found here. The preference form, due by Friday, June 14th at 5:00 pm, can be found here. |
How do I know which First Year seminar course I have been placed into? |
If you see the acronym FYS on your Fall 2019 schedule, you've been placed into a First Year Seminar course. Visit the First Year Seminar page to match your course's section number with the course title. Remember that some factors (e.g., certain programs of study, special scheduling circumstances, etc.) may lead to you taking the FYS in the spring semester rather than in the fall. If that is the case, you will have the chance to choose your FYS course during the regular registration process. |
What is a Pathway and when do I choose it? |
A Pathway is a cluster of four courses that focus on an interdisciplinary area of study. See here for a complete list of Pathways and courses connected to each one. You choose your Pathway as part of your distribution requirements within the Marist Core, but you do not need to make this decision until Spring of your freshman year. The Pathway should add a new dimension to the learning that will take place outside of your major field of study. Pathway courses may be eventually used toward a minor or a second major. |
What criteria determine the courses that I am placed into? |
Your placement into courses at Marist College will be made based on the results of your online placement tests/surveys, your list of top five FYS choices, your high school GPA, your high school courses, and your choice of major and minor. |
Will there be more information about scheduling courses at Orientation? |
Information regarding scheduling will be discussed at June Orientation. Academic schedules will be viewable online during the first week of August. |
When will I know about my academic schedule? |
Information regarding academic course schedules will be discussed during Orientation. |
I want to change my major. Who can I contact? |
If you'd like to change your major please wait to do this during your scheduled Orientation date where you will be assisted by staff from the Office of the Registrar. If you would like to change your major after attending Orientation, please send a message (using your Marist email account) to the Office of the Registrar (Registrar@Marist.edu). Change of majors are due by July 7th. Any change of majors after July 7th can be done during the first week of the fall semester. |
What is the purpose of this training? |
Marist College is committed to taking bold steps toward eradicating all forms of interpersonal violence on our campus and creating an environment where all members of our community can learn, work, and socialize without experiencing or fearing discrimination, sexual assault, harassment, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and retaliation. As part of this commitment, members of the Marist College community will complete a specific online training course depending on whether they are a student or a member of the faculty or staff. |
How do I complete the Student Online Training? |
Sometime in early July, all first-year and transfer Marist College students will receive an email, sent to their official Marist College email account, from the sender "EVERFI" with specific instructions on how to register for the course and begin the training. When you click on the link contained in the email, it directs you to the course registration page. Please register for the course as soon as possible by selecting your age range and your appropriate student category (either "First Year Student" or "Transfer Student"). If you do not receive the email by the end of July, please contact the Marist College Title IX Office at titleix@marist.edu or at 845-575-3799. Please note that a link to the required training is also located on the “Welcome” page of my.marist.edu in the event the initial e-mail is deleted or misplaced. Both on-line courses are comprised of two parts, Part I and Part II. There is a 30-day intercession period Between Parts I and II for both courses. Once the intercession period is complete, you will then receive an email advising that Part II of the online training is available. Log in to the course the same way you logged on for Part I, using the same link. Before arriving on campus for the fall semester, you must complete, at a minimum, Part I of both on-line training modules, “Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates” and “AlcoholEDU.” Part II of both courses may be completed after the semester begins. In order to satisfy the College's training requirement, you must complete both Part I and Part II of "Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates" and “AlcoholEDU.” |
How is this form used? |
The Music Interest/Course Selection Form is used to determine the extent to which the musical interests of incoming students are being met by the current academic and extracurricular music offerings on campus. Information gleaned from this questionnaire will be used to help the Music Department program events based on the number of potential interested musicians. Additionally, it is used to assist in the enrollment of students into music courses for their Fall semester schedule. Music courses are not mandated in the core curriculum, but a number of courses may be used toward completion of Core Pathways. Therefore, we encourage all students to complete this questionnaire by the conclusion of June Orientation activities. |
How long does it take to complete? |
The form should take no longer than 5-7 minutes to complete. |
How do I complete the form? |
The Music Interest/Course Selection Form will be available on May 9th, here. The form will close on June 9th, so please contact the Music Department before the deadline should you have any questions regarding the form. |
I am not interested in taking a music course my first semester, but still want to perform with the department. How do I become involved? |
Please contact the Music Department at MusicDept@marist.edu or (845) 575-3242 to get your name on the interest list for our |
I heard that all musicians come to campus early for a music camp, must I attend to be a member of one of the performing ensembles? |
Student musicians are encouraged to attend Music Camps that occur the week prior to traditional move-in. Attendance at Music Camp affords you the opportunity to arrive to campus before classes begin, learn music for our first performances of the semester, and for band members to learn the field show for the upcoming football season. During this time, our first year students are assigned an upperclassman that will act as a mentor throughout camp and the Fall semester. First year students are introduced to the Music Program, and are given a head start at acclimating themselves to the campus and the Marist experience. Many of our mentors maintain strong friendships with the underclassmen that they have guided long after their camp experience has ended. So, while not mandatory, attendance at Music Camp is the best way to join the Music at Marist family. |
How is this Questionnaire used? |
The Sports Interest Questionnaire is used to determine the extent to which the athletic interests of incoming students are being met by the current intramural, club and intercollegiate athletics offerings on campus. Therefore, it is completed by all students prior to their arrival on campus. |
How long does it take to complete? |
The Sports Interest Questionnaire takes no longer than five minutes to complete. |
How do I take the Questionnaire? |
The questionnaire will be available May 9th. Read the information on the page and then click "next" to begin taking the survey. |
I am not interested in participating in any athletic activities on campus, do I still need to complete the Sports Interest Questionnaire? |
Your answers are important to us and there are no right or wrong answers. All students must complete the questionnaire. |
I have a question about the Sports Interest Questionnaire. Who should I contact? |
Athletics |
Arrival on Campus in August
What health information is required? When is the deadline? |
All students must submit required health information. Marist College has implemented an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) whereby students can provide their health information electronically via a student health portal. Specific instructions regarding the portal can be found at https://my.marist.edu/health-services. Details regarding required health information can be found at https://my.marist.edu/health-forms-for-incoming-students. Required health information is due by June 30th for the Fall Semester and January 15th for the Spring Semester. |
What if I can’t have a physical exam by the deadline? |
If a student has had a complete physical exam in the prior 12 months documented on a comparable form, it can be submitted for review. |
What does the Health Services Fee cover? |
The mandatory Health Services Fee, assessed each semester with Tuition and Fees, covers full-time undergraduate students for care at the Marist College Wellness Center (Health Services and Counseling Services). There is no charge for visits, with the exception of allergy immunotherapy. The Health Services Fee does not cover prescriptions, tests, or care outside of the Marist Wellness Center. |
What care is available at Health Services? |
Marist Health Services is staffed by physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and clerical staff. We provide evaluation and treatment for undergraduate students with illness or minor injury. Students are seen on an appointment basis. Emergencies and walk-ins are triaged promptly and seen in order of urgency. Problems beyond the scope of Marist Health Services are referred to Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital Emergency Department, across the street from campus, or Vassar Brothers Medical Center, about 10 minutes from campus. Nutrition consultation is available on referral by Health or Counseling Services staff. |
What are Health Services hours? |
Health Services is open 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On weekends, please call the Office of Safety & Security regarding Urgent Care transportation between 11:00 am - 4:00 pm or for ER transportation any time. |
What if someone gets sick after hours? |
If Health Services is not open, students should contact their Resident Assistant (RA) or Resident Director (RD) for help in determining whether they should seek care immediately or wait to be seen in Health Services. Students can also contact the Office of Safety and Security for assistance. After hours, students are encouraged to seek care at Emergency One (4250 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538) for non-emergent illnesses, as their insurance plans permit. Hours for Emergency One can be obtained by calling 845-229-2602 or visiting their website. |
Can I get a flu shot at Health Services? |
Health Services sponsors Flu Vaccination Clinics in the fall and on an as-needed basis. Students will be notified about details via email and campus media in the fall. Flu shots are also available at Rite Aid Pharmacy, across the street from campus. |
Can I get my ADHD medications at Health Services? |
Students who are on medication for ADD/ADHD are encouraged to maintain a relationship with their treating health care professionals at home. The Marist College academic calendar is published online, and follow-up appointments at home should be scheduled to maintain continuity of care. Marist Health Services medical staff can provide follow-up appointments and write prescriptions for continuation of ADD/ADHD medications if specific criteria are met. Please access Health Services for details in the document entitled ADD/ADHD Information. |
What if I need to see a specialist while I'm at college? |
While specialty care in most fields is available in the Poughkeepsie area, not all practitioners participate in all insurance plans. If a student anticipates needing off-campus care, it should be researched through the student’s insurance carrier to identify participating providers in the Marist College area. The provider can then be contacted directly. |
Are my Health Services records confidential? |
All Health Services medical care, counseling, testing, and health records are confidential. Any communication about confidential health information requires the specific consent of the student (if 18 or older) or a parent or guardian (if the student is 17 or younger). Health Services will not release any information without written permission, except as authorized or required by law, or in our judgment as necessary to protect you or others from a serious threat to health or safety. |
What if parents want information? |
Communicating effectively with parents is a priority for Health Services staff. Parents are not notified when students visit Health Services, but students are encouraged to keep parents apprised of health issues. Among the Health Forms for incoming students is an optional “Consent to Discuss Health Information for Students 18 or Older.” This form can be signed by the student and submitted for inclusion in the Health Services medical record. Both students and parents should be aware that such consent can be revoked at any time. |
What about emergencies? |
Parents should be aware that confidentiality statutes allow for communication in an emergency. Fortunately, emergencies are rare. Marist College is just minutes from Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital, the regional trauma center, as well as the local rescue squad. Residence Life staff and Safety and Security staff are available around the clock. Parents will be notified in the case of an emergency. |
What are common issues that motivate students to seek counseling? |
Students' concerns are wide ranging and include adjusting to college life, anxiety, stress, relationship issues, depression, sleep difficulties, eating/body image concerns, family issues, alcohol/drug use, grief/loss, academic and career concerns, suicidal thoughts, and identity questions. |
What services does we offer? |
We provide group and individual counseling, medication management, consultation, crisis intervention, workshops and trainings for students, faculty and staff, and community referrals. |
How long will I be in counseling? |
The majority of students are seen for 1-5 sessions; for others, their concerns may be more complex and will need additional counseling to resolve. |
Where is Counseling Services located? |
Counseling Services is located in the Health and Wellness Center (Student Center, 352). |
Do I need an appointment to see a counselor? |
Typically, students are asked to schedule an appointment. For emergencies during regular office hours, students will be seen without a scheduled appointment. |
How do I make an appointment? |
You may either call 845-575-3144 or visit the office to schedule an appointment. Same day emergency appointments are available during regular office hours. |
How much do services cost? |
All visits to Counseling Services are provided free of charge. |
Is what I tell a counselor confidential? |
Counseling Services are confidential and not part of your official college record. Disclosure of information about your contacts with us to anyone outside the center requires your prior consent. Exceptions to maintaining confidentiality occur only if you pose a clear danger to yourself or others, in reporting child or elder abuse as mandated by law, or if your records are subpoenaed. |
What are Counseling Services' hours during the academic year? |
Counseling Services is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Some evening hours are available, by appointment only. (Summer hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) |
How do I contact Counseling Services in an emergency? |
During regular office hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), call (845-575-3314) or visit our office (Student Center 352). Immediately tell the receptionist the nature of the emergency, and a counselor will speak with you directly. |
What if I need to talk to somebody at night or on the weekend? |
For evening or weekend emergencies, inform your RA, RD or contact Campus Safety and Security (845-471-1822) and they will contact the on-call counselor who will assist you. |
Are counselors experienced working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures? |
Our counseling staff consists of licensed psychologists, clinical social workers, a mental health counselor, a psychiatrist and a consulting nutritionist who are trained in and committed to providing culturally-sensitive services to a wide diversity of students. |
Do you have counselors who are familiar with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning concerns? |
The counseling staff respects sexual diversity and is versed in addressing the unique concerns of LGBTQ+ and questioning students. |
What if I need medication? |
Students may be referred for a medication consultation to either the Counseling Services psychiatrist or an off-campus provider, typically following an assessment with one of our counselors. |
If I need accommodations for a disability, who should I contact? |
Contact the Office of Accommodations and Accessibility (OAA) at 845-575-3274 or stop by the office located in Donnelly Hall 226. We encourage all students with disabilities to provide documentation as soon as they are accepted into the college. After OAA staff reviews a student’s documentation, the student will be notified of their approved accommodations. Students are encouraged to meet with OAA staff at the beginning of the semester to review their approved accommodations. |
When and how will I receive my roommate information? |
Housing Assignments will be posted on the Housing and Residential Life section of the MyMarist Website by the Office of Housing & Residential Life on August 2, 2019. Assignments and roommate e-mail addresses can be accessed as follows:
How can I obtain information about purchasing items for my room? |
More information regarding the purchase of linens, refrigerators/microwaves, carpets, renters insurance, and Dining Plans will be available in June; brochures for ordering such items will be included in the front of the Orientation Parent Handbook. |
I am interested in Special Interest Housing. How do I get more information and apply? |
Marist currently offers special interest living for Science Majors and students in the Honors Program. More information on Honors Housing is available on the Honors page and more information about the Science Housing is located in the Marist Housing Frequently Asked Questions page. |
As a student with fewer than 50 earned credits, I know that I am not permitted to bring a car to campus. How will I get around if I want to go shopping or explore Poughkeepsie? |
Students may register for and rent one of four Marist Zipcars. In addition, students may locate their own transportation (taxi, bus, and train) using Marist's online directory. Additionally, Marist College, Dutchess Community College and the County Loop Bus System have developed a new bus route which provides Marist and DCC students access to many businesses, restaurants, grocery stores as well as the train station and the Residence Inn on a regular basis. The bus runs daily Monday through Sunday. This is part of Marist’s efforts to provide affordable transportation to students to vital local services (train station, grocery stores, etc.) and to contribute to the College’s support of sustainability efforts. The route, identified as Route H is available to all students for FREE by showing their Marist ID card. It also allows students to ride for free on any other county bus which can be accessed at the Poughkeepsie Transportation Hub located across from the Civic Center on Market Street. The bus can be picked up on Fulton Street (the Starbucks side of the street) directly across from the road access to Beck Place. Drop off is at the same location on the Beck Place side of the street. You can access the most current Route H schedule here. |
I am required to arrive on campus before the freshman move-in day because I am part of a team, band or campus function. Are there any student conduct policies I should review or become familiar with? |
All students who arrive early in August to move into campus housing are expected to adhere to and understand all college policies. Students will receive a copy of the Code of Student Conduct during move-in day; however, students and parents are encouraged to review the Code of Student Conduct over the summer to become familiar with college policies and the discipline system at Marist College. |
I have a housing question that is not listed here. What should I do? |
You should visit our Marist Housing Frequently Asked Questions. If you do not find your answer on Housing's website, call the Office of Housing & Residential Life at (845) 575-3307. |
Will incoming residential students have a dining plan? |
All freshmen students residing on campus are enrolled in the Anytime Dining plus $75 Thrifty Cash and 3 Pick Three options at campus retail locations. Our Anytime Dining Plan allows participants to access the Dining Hall as often as they would like without worrying about counting swipes. As an Anytime Dining participant, you have unlimited access to the Dining Hall throughout the semester with the ability to enjoy anything from a cup of coffee to a full meal upon entry. |
What is Thrifty Cash? |
Thrifty Cash is the dollar amount associated with a dining plan which can be used at campus cafes for on-the-go eating. Purchases made using Thrifty Cash are tax free. You may add to your Thrifty Cash balance at any time if you are on a dining plan. Contact Office of Student Financial Services to transfer money to a Thrifty Cash account at 845-575-3230 or studentfinancialservices@marist.edu. Your Thrifty Cash carries over from Fall to Spring semester, provided that you remain enrolled in a dining plan. Thrifty Cash does not carry over at the end of the Spring Semester to the following Fall Semester. |
What are the Dining Hall hours? |
The Dining Hall is open continuously from morning until close, seven days per week. Service hours are Monday through Friday, 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Breakfast is served until 11:00 a.m., lunch 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and dinner 4:30 p.m. to 8:00p.m. Light fare is available at all other times. |
What are my dining options if I have a medical or dietary concern? |
Any student enrolled in a Dining Plan and requiring accommodations for a medical or dietary concern should contact the Marist Dining Services Dietitian Marie Murphy at Marie.Murphy@sodexo.com; or General Manager Colene Doughty at (845) 575-5114 or Colene.Doughty@sodexo.com. |
Does a first-year student need to be involved with Career Services? |
Your first year at Marist is an excellent time to begin exploring potential career areas and, for undeclared students, possible majors. Our skilled Career Coaches can assist you with a career assessment to help you better understand your interests, values, abilities, and personality as they relate to majors and careers. Attendance at career workshops and panels is also recommended. The career fairs held each fall and spring present excellent opportunities for students to interact with recruiters and company representatives. Students are encouraged to ask questions and learn about potential internships and employment. This is also a good time to consider taking the course Career Planning & Decision Making. |
What are the top five ways a first-year student can interact with Careeer Services? |
Will I be required to visit the Center for Career Services? |
It is highly encouraged that students visit the Center for Career Services at several key times during their Marist experience. We believe that students need to work collaboratively with their faculty, advisors and the Career Services staff to develop a plan for their post-Marist lives. Career choices should be carefully thought out and a plan needs to be developed and set in motion to achieve a student’s goals. We encourage new students to attend and participate in all of our Career Fairs, Alumni Networking Events, Interview Preparation Day, and Employer Information Sessions. As you look at a summer job next year, we encourage you to visit Career Services and get that first “real” resume prepared. That initial resume will be the first step in your career preparation. |
Will Career Services help me get an internship? |
If you are enrolled in a curriculum that requires an internship, you will work with the Internship Faculty Coordinator in that department to set it up. Students enrolled in a major without a curricular requirement may participate in an elective credit internship. Career Services assists students in locating elective internships. At Marist, internships are credit-bearing and students generally must have completed 60 credits (transfers must have completed 12 credits at Marist) prior to beginning the internship. A 2.5 GPA must be maintained in order to apply for internships. However, some academic departments have higher GPA requirements. More details about the Internship Program can be viewed on our page. |
Does Career Services help students find jobs after graduation? |
Our emphasis is on providing students with the tools and skills needed to complete a successful job search and also to provide opportunities to connect with prospective employers. We provide both on- and off-campus interview events and experiences. We work collaboratively with employers, associations and recruiting consortia to expose our students to diverse employment initiatives. Our Road to the Workplace trips are site visits that give students chances to network with Marist College alumni and other professionals who work at a variety of companies. Students can also get a sense of an organization’s culture and learn about professional development opportunities. Companies who have hosted Marist students for Road to the Workplace trips include Deutsche Bank, Madison Square Garden, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and more. In addition we have an active Alumni Career Network that will allow students to speak with Marist graduates currently working in their chosen fields. The Career Services staff continues to attract new employers to our campus. The Marist brand is becoming highly regarded among prestigious employers. |
Does Career Services help students with graduate school and fellowships/scholarships? |
Career Services has one staff member dedicated to assisting students as they determine whether or not to attend graduate school, search for schools and programs, apply to schools, and take entrance examinations, etc. An annual Graduate School Forum brings graduate school representatives to campus to discuss their programs. Admissions examination prep courses are offered at a reduced rate and held on campus. Individual assistance with identifying and applying for national and international fellowships and scholarships is also available. |
Is there a “dress code” for Career Services' programs? |
Professional business attire is strongly encouraged for participation in Career and Internship Fairs and Interviewing and Networking events. We believe in the importance of a great first impression.. A business suit is ideal for professional business attire. However, button down dress shirts, jackets and dress pants can also be great options for professional events. The dress code can vary by industry. Appropriate footwear is always recommended. |
What is the Center for Multicultural Affairs (CMA)? |
The Center for Multicultural Affairs (CMA) is a department in the Division of Student Academic Affairs at Marist College. The CMA strives to engage the Marist community in events and activities that highlight diversity and multiculturalism creating a climate of access, equity, and inclusion that celebrates the rich contributions of all cultures, and empowers students to achieve academic success by preparing them to become engaged global citizens.
What is the Center's background and what programs does it house? |
The Center for Multicultural Affairs was created in September 2008 to meet the growing needs of a changing college population. CMA houses the:
What services can all traditional undergraduate students receive? |
How can I secure these supportive services? |
The Center for Multicultural Affairs welcomes everyone to visit our department during business hours. We are open Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Feel free to stop by the Cannavino Library Suite 337, call x3204 or email us at multicultural@marist.edu. Please visit and “like” our Facebook page, and follow us on Instagram @marist_multicultural_affairs. |
How do I obtain a Marist ID? |
Incoming students will have their photos taken and receive their student IDs during Orientation. Students unable to attend Orientation can have their picture taken and receive an ID on move-in day. The office will have extended hours on that day. |
I will be participating in a fall sport. How will I receive information about arriving early? |
Student-athletes participating in a fall sport will receive necessary information from the Department of Athletics. Their phone number is (845) 575-3699. |
What will my mailing address be at Marist? |
A letter concerning your Marist mailing information will be mailed in early August to all first year students that will be living on campus. Students have the responsibility to check their mail throughout the year. A sample address follows: Student's Name |
What kind of laptop should I bring to Marist? |
All of the minimum required computer specifications, as well as the recommended Lenovo and Apple models and links to purchase a computer through Marist College can be found here. |